Four Crucial Types Of Regular Powerline Maintenance

Power installation and powerline maintenance are some of the most important aspects of electrical work. The power lines are what bring electricity from the power plant to your home, and they are responsible for delivering the power that keeps your lights on and your appliances running.

Powerlines must be maintained regularly so that they continue to function properly. It's important to remember that power lines are not just used for electricity; they also provide communication for telephone, television and radio signals. 

1) Powerline Inspection

The first step in powerline maintenance is to perform an inspection of the power lines on the relevant property or road. During those inspections, a technician will look for any signs of damage, such as loose connections or exposed wires, which could lead to an electrical fire or shock. Regular inspections are also necessary to identify any trees or other plants that may be growing too close to power lines. If a technician finds that the lines need maintenance, they will come back and perform repairs on them.

2) Powerline Grounding

After there has been an inspection of the powerlines, it's time to ground them properly so no one gets hurt while using them or being near them. Grounding involves running a wire from each pole to a ground rod that's buried deep in the ground. This ensures that if there's ever a problem with one of your lines, it'll short out before it ever reaches someone's home or yard — thus eliminating the risk of electrocution or fire caused by stray electrical currents traveling through nearby objects like trees.

3) Powerline Fusing

Power line fusing is a common form of powerline maintenance and is also used during power installation. The fusing procedure involves a technician using an infrared camera to inspect the lines for damage or corrosion. Once a problem has been identified, the technician will fuse the line by applying a small amount of explosive material to it. The fuse seals off any punctures in the line so that no current can pass through it until it is repaired.

4) Powerline Underground Inspections

During the original power installation process, the lines were buried underground to prevent them from being damaged by wind or weather. However, over time the lines can become exposed due to erosion or other damage. In addition to checking for damage, there are other things that can be revealed during an underground inspection:

  • The condition of the wires themselves (are they corroded?)
  • How much slack there is between poles 
  • Whether or not there are any obstacles that could cause problems with reliability or safety.

Chat with a power installation company to find out more about powerline maintenance today. 
